Self-Study : The Roadmap to Better Blood Sugar Management
This comprehensive program teaches how you can start controlling your blood sugar numbers in just 5 weeks while enjoying your favorite foods (including carbs). Additionally, you won’t have to spend all your time in the kitchen or gym.
Before I tell you more about this program, let’s talk about who it’s for…
The Roadmap to Better Blood Sugar Management course has been curated for YOU, if you’re the busy, on-the-go type of person who has pre-diabetes or type 2 diabetes. You’re tired of fad and yo-yo dieting, and are often confused about what to eat. And you’re definitely no stranger to the question ‘where do I start now?’
Whether you’re:
- Someone with diabetes who has reached a very real roadblock, but knows that forming a healthy diet and losing weight is your ticket to regaining your happiness
- A person who’s had prediabetes or diabetes anywhere from 1 to even over 20 years, and is tired of getting mixed information about food and diet choices
- Confused and want realistic solutions, and are ready to put the work in over the next 5 weeks
You’re in the right place! Many persons with diabetes face the same struggles that you do on a daily basis. This self-study course is aimed at making the journey to health more clear and easy. Diabetes does not have to be your ball-and-chain; you just need the right tools to help you live well despite its presence. And I’m going to tell you exactly how the Roadmap to Better Blood Sugar Control will give you the tools, support and inspiration you need for your journey.
By the end of this program, you will have:
Understood why carbs, fats and proteins are important for your diet, and why diets that take out any one of these macronutrients will fail each and every time
Eliminated the confusion about what you should eat
Increased your knowledge of how your lifestyle can impact both your weight and blood sugar levels.
Developed a personalized eating style that suits you
“Working with Kim was the best decision I have made in a long time. Prior to my time with Kim, I had no idea how to manage my blood sugar. She has given me the tools so that I now feel in control. I know what my meals should consist of and when they should be eaten and I’m still eating my favorite foods, just maybe at different times. I am also better at managing my overall well-being. My time with Kim was over the holiday and with her guidance, I felt confident in my food choices and knew exactly how to plan. The one-on-one coaching and having her a text message, phone call, or video call away was truly life-changing and I would 100% recommend her.”
– Client T.
Prior to meeting Kim, I was struggling to understand how to maintain a “normal” life as a prediabetic bordering on diabetic. Yes, it was easy to change from diabetic to prediabetic by drastically changing my lifestyle, but it was not sustainable. I was teetering between living a life void of food I loved and being miserable or living as a danger to myself if I did eat the foods I loved. However, once I met Kim, she educated me on how to maintain a sustainable and satisfying lifestyle that allowed me to eat the foods I loved and still be able to manage my prediabetes. After my sessions with Kim were over, I was realistically able to follow through on Kim’s advice and education. I was scared that I would have no willpower or ability. I wasn’t a perfect student, but all the valuable information that I gained from her was ingrained in me and helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay far away from being diabetic. And, this is with eating all the foods I love. I’m proud to report that my recent blood test revealed that I was able to avoid being diabetic by simply following what Kim has taught me.
– Client A.
What’s Inside the Roadmap for Better Blood Sugar Management?
Week 1, Module 1:
What Diabetes is and Why Cutting Carbs is Not the Answer
Here’s why it pays to learn from someone who’s seen hundreds of patients and clients who have been diagnosed with prediabetes and diabetes: I know exactly where most people get stuck in their journey. In this module, we’re going to explore basic strategies you can use to prevent blood sugar spikes which may result in unwanted weight gain.
We’ll start off by explaining exactly what diabetes is, why there’s no such thing as “bad” foods, why carbohydrates are not the enemy, and how carbohydrates may actually help you manage your weight.
Module Highlights:
In this module you will learn:
- How uncontrolled blood sugar values can contribute to weight gain
- What a carbohydrate is
- What to look for when choosing a healthy carbohydrate option that will keep you satisfied, curb your hunger and help you with weight loss
- Why the keto diet does not work for long-term success
Week 2, Module 2:
Why You Need All 3: Carbs, Fat and Protein
Now that you’ve learned about what a carbohydrate is, let’s look at fats and proteins. Here you’ll take your weight-loss approach to the next level, and learn how adding the right types of fats and proteins to your plate can create a successful meal plan.
You will fully understand what each macronutrient does in the human body, which will take the confusion out of knowing what you should (and should not) be eating.
Module Highlights:
In this module you will learn:
- How to identify a healthy versus an unhealthy fat option
- Examples of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian protein options (and which one is right for you)
- How to start counting your carbohydrates for proper portion control
Week 3, No Module:
Implementation Week
This week you’ll have the opportunity to implement everything you learned thus far. Take advantage of this time by cleaning out your refrigerator, going grocery shopping, or catching up on modules if you fall behind. During this week, I will be available to answer any questions you may have related to your progress and journey thus far.
Week 4, Module 3:
The Importance of Sleep and Exercise
Now you know what carbs, fats, and proteins do in the body and how eating too much or too little of each can impact your weight and overall health. Next, you’ll increase your understanding about how your lifestyle can impact your blood sugar values and weight. Are you stressed? An emotional eater? Thinking exercise is boring? This module is for you. In this module you’ll discover how your lifestyle impacts your weight to transform you into a bona fide boss!
Here you’ll broaden your intel on how your lifestyle choices may help you meet and maintain your weight goals.
Module Highlights:
In this module you will learn:
- How sleep impacts your weight and food choices.
- Practical steps to improve your sleep
- Why exercise is essential
- How to find healthy meal choices when dining out
Week 5, Module 4:
Advanced Nutrition Tips + Tricks
Ever wonder if you should be taking a supplement? This module reviews the most current research when it comes to dietary supplements and herbs. Additionally, this module reviews the crux of the nutrition facts label so you can become an informed consumer.
Here you will take a deep dive into Food & Nutrition 101. You’ll discover the ins and outs of the nutrition facts label and why certain supplements may (or may not) need to be a part of your lifestyle regimen. Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.
Module Highlights:
In this module you will learn:
- How to read and understand a nutrition facts label on any food package
- The latest research on if certain supplements work for blood sugar and/or weight management
The course is ALWAYS available:
When you’re ready to sign up, you will receive:
- 4 modules showing you the foundational basics you need to start your journey towards better blood sugar control, all while enjoying each major food group. Best of all, you’ll do this without spending needless hours in the kitchen or at the gym.
- Step-by-step guidance via weekly live calls, practical handouts and useful worksheets to keep you on track.
You’ll be given access to 1 module per week so that you have ample time to complete each of the lessons at your own pace, and put them into practice. We do this to protect your time. This way you can give proper attention to the process without becoming overwhelmed in learning how to navigate your changing diet and improving lifestyle.

In addition, you’ll get these bonuses:
Bonus 1 ($159)
Get unstuck in a matter of minutes. Learn How to Handle Emotional/Stress Eating with Family Medicine Practitioner Dr. Shayla Tombs-Withers, D.O.
What you’ll get: an intimate video on what emotional and stress eating is and preliminary steps to overcome it.
Bonus 2 ($97)
Who says exercising can’t be fun? Grab your dancing shoes and meet Dr. Tinka Barnes who will walk you through why Movement is Medicine. You’ll also learn how movement can help you manage your weight and blood sugar. Plus she’ll highlight activities you can do in the comfort of your home to increase joyful movement.
What you’ll get: a fun and down-to-earth video teaching you the difference between physical activity and exercise and tips on how to get back your joy through movement.
When you add it all up, that’s a total value of $256 worth of bonuses!
But because I’m super excited to welcome you to the the Roadmap to Better Blood Sugar Control course, I’m giving you the opportunity to enroll at the special price of just $397. Don’t miss out!
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start?
This course is always avaialble. You can begin any time you please.
I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the things going on in my life. Are you sure this program is for me?
Where do you see yourself a month or two from now? Are you in a happy place because you started your blood sugar journey and are living your best life, OR are you confused and frustrated? This course is designed to take the overwhelm and the frustration out of managing your blood sugar levels by enabling you to go at your own pace.
How long will I have access to this course?
You will have lifetime access to the course materials.
Will I have one-on-one access to Kim?
No. This is a self-study course and is ideal for someone who has a diabets or pre-diabetes diagnosis for 1 year or less.
How much of a time commitment is this course?
1-3 hours per week (not including implementation)
Do you offer refunds?
Due to the nature of the course there is no refund policy.
Do you offer discounts?
The actually value of this course is $807 ($397 for the course + $410 worth of bonuses). The selling price of this course is already discounted to $397 if you pay in full.
What all will I need to invest in this program?
Motivation, a willing spirit, a pen, and a notebook.
What kind of results can I expect? What if it doesn’t work?
You will be equipped with the foundational steps you need to take in order to build a better plate and manage your blood sugar levels.
Are you still thinking about it?
Did you know that according to the American Diabetes Association, treating diabetes in one patient costs $16,752 a year? Do you have that kind of money lying around? I sure don’t. The cost of uncontrolled diabetes is even higher when coupled with excess weight. You may likely have to take more medications, go to more doctor visits, take a few trips to the emergency room, and still have ongoing complications.
Whether you have a super demanding job or work from home, it pays to be happier and healthier. By now, I hope you fully understand that you’re talking about your most incredible wealth regarding your health. The Roadmap for Better Blood Sugar Management course is excellent health instruction for those dealing with diabetes and pre-diabetes. What you gain (or lose) is up to you. Still don’t think you can do it? Well, friend, our Roadmap for Better Blood Sugar Management course may help you if you’re not afraid to do the work.
I cannot wait to guide you through the next five weeks.
When you’re ready, see you in the course.